The fastest land animal in the world, the cheetah is a marvel of evolution. The cheetah's slender, long-legged body is built for speed. Cheetahs are tan in color with black spots all over their bodies. They can also be distinguished from other big cats by their smaller size, spotted coats, small heads and ears and distinctive "tear stripes" that stretch from the corner of the eye to the side of the nose.
Anne |
Ariela |
Did you know? A cheetah can cover up to 20 feet in just one stride with its powerful legs.
Emilee |
Kat |
Lindsay |
Did You Know?
Unlike other big cats, cheetahs cannot roar. However, they can purr on both inhale and exhale, like domestic cats!
Mara |
Natalie |
Peri |
Sarah |
Maeve |
Did You Know?
When cheetahs are running, they use their tails to help them steer and turn in the direction they want to go, like the rudder of a boat.
Megan |
Molly |
Juliana |
Hannah |
Eleanor |
Bird |
The group also helped feed the lions (from the other side of the fence), played with vultures, studied the rhinos, and watched the busy honey badger scurry around its pen. The badger has escaped multiple times over the years- a few successful attempts include: building ladders with rocks and branches to go over and digging a hole 7 ft deep to go under. The pen now has inverted fencing at the top of the 5 foot cage and the cement footings are over 12 feet under ground.
The girls look GREAT, and what a fun experience. Thanks so much for sharing these pictures with us!
I agree with Rebecca -- keep the updates coming, we love them!